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Time Management Tips and Tricks

Time Management Tips and Tricks Guest Post Written By Mike Glatzer There’s this stereotypical ethos around being a Creative: We wake up late in the afternoon, drink copious amounts of hipster-branded coffee, go about our days on a whim, acting as we need to, soaking up the evenings until we crash at 3 a.m. We try […]

Not Breaking the Bank: Employee Health Benefits

Not Breaking the Bank: Employee Health Benefits Guest Post Written By Sharon Vandeburgt Next to salary, employee benefits coverage is one of the most important tools in attracting and retaining key staff. But if you are feeling frustrated by your insurance company every time the rates go up, you are not alone. The reality is benefits […]

How to Have Your Business be More Efficient

How to Have Your Business be More Efficient Guest Post Written By Amber Barry Being a business owner can feel like you’re running in 27 different directions at all times. Can you relate? Here’s the thing: you’re only one person. And even if you’re the most efficient, organized person on the planet, there’s only so much […]

What is Your Comfort Zone?

What is Your Comfort Zone ? Guest Post Written By Arielle Minicozzi Figueroa I have pondered this thought for quite some time and there are a few common scenarios that I have noticed through my observation. Staying in the same job for 30 years. Being satisfied with what you know. Having an established daily routine. Having […]

Seven Steps You Can Take Today For A More Efficient Business

Seven Steps You Can Take Today For A More Efficient Business Guest Post Written By Arielle Minicozzi Figueroa When your marketing finally pays off, you may find yourself in need of a more efficient system for managing your business. Whether your goal is to be a lifestyle practice or scale, having solid workflows and procedures will […]

Getting The Foundations Right First

Getting The Foundations Right First Guest Post Written By Cristina Desthieux Similar to building a house, building a business starts with the same clear step: building the right foundations. Before you can go out and sell your product, it is important to make sure that you have the right knowledge, tools and support to allow that […]

The 3 Things New Entrepreneurs Don’t Focus Enough On

The 3 Things New Entrepreneurs Don’t Focus Enough On Guest Post Written By Elena Seranova You launched your new business venture and you are excited as hell. Or perhaps you’re just thinking of starting out. But where would you focus on first?  Prioritising the tasks that matter and focusing on the things that produce the most […]

7 Productivity Tricks That Will Totally Change The Way You Work

7 Productivity Tricks That Will Totally Change The Way You Work Guest Post Written By Linda Nicol How many times have you thought to yourself, “I must stay on task”, “I need to get his done”? Well, if you’re anything like me the answer is countless.  There are so many things going on in today’s world, […]

The Importance of Client & Employee Appreciation

The Importance of Client & Employee Appreciation Guest Post Written By Pep & Party Co. – Annie Bradshaw People want to feel appreciated and valued by others. In a pandemic where social distancing, and at times isolation, has become the new normal, people are craving to feel this more than ever before. Chances are, you or […]

Simple Ways to Cut Back on Toxins for the Busy Working Woman

Simple Ways to Cut Back on Toxins for the Busy Working Woman Guest Post Written By Tammy Longo Have you been trying to cut back on toxins but just don’t have the time to research all of the information out there? As busy working women, we can be pulled in so many different directions, it can […]

The Bad Review

The Bad Review Guest Post Written By Rosalynn Robb I was sitting in the parking lot of Meijer’s after having been cleaning all day. I saw the alert from Thumbtack that I had a review. Eagerly, I clicked the link to where I read: My heart dropped. What? My team had been at this small townhome […]

8 Tips For Working at Home

8 Tips For Working at Home Guest Post Written By Christelle Pillot Lockdown and homeschooling, how to deal with all that? I use 8 tools that really help me with the current situation. My name is Christelle and I’m a coach, I’m helping parents recapture freedom and leaders to see that the family can be the […]

Addicted to Stress? 3 Unconventional Hacks to go from Fried to Revived

Addicted to Stress? 3 Unconventional Hacks to go from Fried to Revived Guest Post Written By Rupina Meer I ran into a friend and just stopped by to ask how she was doing. She looked up and whimpered: “I’m so crazy busy in spite of this pandemic.” The same day, I ran into a former colleague and […]

10 Authentic Leadership Characteristics

10 Authentic Leadership Characteristics Guest Post Written By Andrée Funnell So what is “Authentic Leadership” – it’s a recently derived modern term for what is known as a more inclusive approach to leadership. Authentic Leadership is based on the principle that a leader can be more successful and prove their legitimacy to be a leader.  They […]

The Art of Managing Remote Workers

The Art of Managing Remote Workers Written By Tina Martin Are you getting burnt out running your business as a one-(wo)man show? Remote workers are an attractive option for first-time employers thanks to the low overhead costs and big talent pool that come with remote hiring. However, putting together a team of remote workers that actually […]

How to Make Your Business Bloom with Plant Care Tips!

How to Make Your Business Bloom with Plant Care Tips! Written By The Art of Business Content Team Here at The Art of Business, we’re kind of obsessed with plants…. If you haven’t noticed, our logo is actually a plant! It’s all related to growth. Plants grow and we help businesses grow. We grow your […]

Bringing Professionals on Board to Create an Effective Business Marketing Strategy

Bringing Professionals on Board to Create an Effective Business Marketing Strategy Written By The Art of Business Content Team As a business owner, you probably know about the importance of sales and marketing. Let’s face it—you’re not going very far without making a profit! But where many entrepreneurs and business owners make mistakes is when […]

How to Build a High Performing Team

How to Build a High Performing Team Guest Post Written By: Global Associates People thrive when they are part of the right group. Even the most mediocre person can produce their best work when working with high-performing teams. As a result, company leaders have learned how to form and support such strong teams. There are […]

Save Time and Boost Your Bottom Line With These Small Business Automation Tools

Save Time and Boost Your Bottom Line With These Small Business Automation Tools Guest Post Written By Rae Steinback About the Author: Rae is a graduate of Tufts University with a combined International Relations and Chinese degree. After spending time living and working abroad in China, she returned to NYC to pursue her career and continue […]

The Business of COVID-19 – How to keep your business, IN business.

The Business of COVID-19: How to keep your business IN business. Written By The Art of Business Content Team The Coronavirus has only begun in Canada and businesses are preparing for the inevitable drop in revenue that is predicted to come. Our economy was already suffering and with the arrival of COVID-19, social distancing, hoarding […]