How to Launch Your Business the Right Way

Guest Post Written By Kelsey Marie Knutson

I hear it ALL the time. Kelsey, I know what I want to do, I just have NO IDEA where to start. And yeah I get it… whether you’re talking about starting a business from scratch or adding an online course to your offerings, new things can feel big, scary, and daunting. 

Fear not, I’m here to offer up some advice on where the heck to start! All you need is your shiny, new, idea and blank word doc (or pen and paper if you’re old school). 

Start big

What is it that you want people to ultimately do? Book you for their wedding? Buy your course? Hire you for graphic design? Whatever it is, you most likely need a website to direct them to. Make sure it’s clear what they should do when they land there.

Speak to your soulmate

You know, the person who would LOVE what you’re doing and who you would vibe with easily. How old are they? What do they do for fun? What problems do they have? Where do they hang out? What words do they use? Get super detailed on who you are trying to attract.

Put yourself out there

In order for people to “buy” they need to know you exist, which means you need to get in front of more people. Yup, you guessed it, this is where social media comes in. But instead of focusing on getting tons more followers, put energy into speaking to the people who need your message most. 

Hype it up

The worst thing you can do is build your fancy-dancy new business and then just say “hey I’m open for business!” It’s like proposing on the first date. Start sharing about it now, get people excited! 

And most important of all, make sure to make a plan and stick to it.

Write out micro-tasks you can do each day to move you closer to your launch. I know that was A LOT to take in, but my hope is it helps you know how to get started. If you’re looking for some extra support, join our FREE Facebook group here:

That’s all for now, friend. Until next time…

Happy Hustling

Hi, I’m Kelsey and I’m living proof that the perfect time to start, grow, or pivot your business doesn’t exist.

I opened my business as my boyfriend started engineering school. Which meant I went from beauty school to breadwinner reallll quick. I hit $110,000+ and debt-free in my first year. And now I’m coaching other business owners to do the same (and so much more)!

We’ll work together to figure out where you want to go into business, marketing and money management. And I’ll be right alongside you through it all, cheering you on and implementing new strategies.

Connect with Kelsey here:

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