New Year, Same Game. New Players, Same Goal!

Written By The Art Of Business Content Team

“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.” – Michael Jordan

On a basketball court, a team is limited to a certain number of players. In almost everything else, management can decide to employ any number of persons they see fit.
That is why towards the end of 2020, Amanda, the Head Honcho here at the Art of Business, decided to pull in a few more players to join our team — She wanted to win championships!

In 2021, the championship game will involve gaining new clients, gaining the trust of potential and existing clients, and killing it with branding, copy, graphics, and strategy for both ourselves and our customers.

What’s the Team Culture Like Here at The Art of Business?
Love What You Do

Whether it’s Graphics, Copywriting, or Marketing. A team’s culture is centred around the core values of its team leader. Amanda started The Art of Business five years ago with the goal of doing what she loves and finding others engaged in the same thing. In 2021, her motto remains the same. 

Here at The Art of Business, all the players are passionate about their work. Our portfolio is a testament to that. Not to toot our own horn, but you’ll also see it reflected in our client feedback.

Say Yes to New Business Opportunities

Another core value is to avoid saying no to new opportunities without hearing them. An opportunity can be a new client, a new player to help build the team, a collaboration with another business or a new strategy or technique in marketing. 

We’re forward-thinking over here, and we keep up with the marketing world every chance we get. New ideas from members are always welcome, especially if it will help navigate the fresh landscape that 2021 brings. 

Opportunity can also be found in the struggle. The pandemic was and still is a challenge we all have to deal with, but it now means that many of our clients must take both an offensive and a defensive when it comes to online selling. Last year’s Cyber Monday saw an increase of 15.1% in online sales.

Work Hard and Speak Up to Help the Business Thrive

Another value we hold dear is hard work. It’s easy to get lackadaisical with a routine or an ongoing job. At The Art of B, we regularly remind ourselves of our mission. Of course, passion helps a lot in this area, too.

We further encourage speaking up. Everyone should speak their mind and let their voices be heard. Whether it’s an issue we need to work on or a light bulb idea on how we can do things better, we want to hear it!

This value is particularly essential considering we have a remote team. As many know today, remote team management is no easy task. The trick to loyalty? According to one source, it’s all about sticking to the culture.

Be Prepared to Grow both Personally and in Business

Our final value is to always be prepared to grow. One cannot experience growth if they stay in their comfort zone. Period. Our other values, like saying yes to new opportunities, staying current on marketing tactics, and hard work, will help lead to growth.

But let’s not forget the actions one can take within themselves to grow. Got a new role in your company? Go all in and innovate, don’t just do what is expected of you. That doesn’t always help you grow. Real growth draws out one’s creativity and takes effort.

Of course, growth also involves a personal journey of learning new things. Reading books, doing online courses on the side — we encourage all of it at The Art of Business. All experiences that will give players an edge in the marketing world are welcome.

Meet the New Players on The Art of Business Team!

We mentioned both our old and new players in our last journal entry [link to January blog post], but here’s a refresher. We’ve got Amanda — obv’s, we all know her — Edward, our Evoker of Dreams aka our Art Director, Alice, our Money Maestro aka: AR, AP, Financial planning and business forecasting, and Karla, our Project Whisperer the one who makes sure everyone is on task and on time. 

Our Vibe Manager is Jalene, Amanda says she is her right arm as Jalene is the one who makes sure Amanda is organized… that’s a tough job! Ather is our Key Maker aka our website developer and coder extraordinaire, and our Conversation Architect is Tiara – she is hilarious. 

In the last quarter of 2020, we brought on Megan, our Design Slayer who loves adding flair to her projects, and is a huge support to Ed.

For 2021, we have brought on some more cavalry, as we have grown and have a lot more in the pipeline! Jaimie-lee, our resident Copy Crusher who started writing copy in the past few years after being a bookworm from birth. Laurie, who we call our Rainmaker. She’s our go-to for email lists and making profit rain out of them. 

Rachel, who  is dubbed our Storyteller Extraordinaire, because connections with your audience are key. Kristel, our 3-Language Spelling Enthusiast, will not let us send out anything that’s not in tip-top form. 

You’ll also get to know Jayden, our Social Investor, and Sierah, our Social Sensei. They’re the ones handling engagement and taking our clients’ social accounts to the next level!

Want to see the faces behind the players? Head on over to Our Culture page and take in all the beauty that is the team making up The Art of Business.

What Can You Look Forward to from your Favourite Marketing Team?

This year, the Art of Business team is playing like it’s the finals. The goal? To achieve double the revenue of last year and continue to build our brand awareness. 

The how?

Our lineup features our new IGTV series, “The Seed,” and our FREE 5-day email series below.

Fun fact: Shopping apps were downloaded 2.8 million times ahead of last year’s Black Friday. We should probably add app development to our list. Basically, we want to blow up, and inspire others to do the same. The sky’s the limit!

And if we’re going to get bigger and better, our clients will do the same. Our ultimate goal is for them to reap the rewards of our hard work and see more income generated. 

Our ultimate, ultimate goal is for us to feel all warm and fuzzy inside when they thank us for being an awesome marketing team.

Want to learn how we can help you get going and grow your business in 2020? Let’s have a conversation!