Client Feature: Paradis Valley Honey

Written By The Art of Business – Amanda

Paradis Valley Honey is a multi-generational business that’s mission is to set an industry standard, producing the only best quality Grade A, raw honey and bee pollen while leading the way in education, sustainability, and hive health.


sums up Paradis Valley Honey within a few words.  As a multi-generational family business — seven generations to be exact, the Paradis family is as passionate and real as it gets. They maintain an ethical way of doing business in hopes that the beekeeping industry remains intact and around for generations to come.

Along with producing quality bee products Ginette Paradis also has a passion for fundraising. Their Honey Money Fundraisers bring sustainable profits to organizations across Canada, year-round. 

What makes Paradis Valley Honey so passionate when it comes to its fundraising program is that they really wanted their products to have a positive impact on communities and organizations across Canada. Their fundraising model is one of the best on the market with a 40% profit sharing. 

The focus of their Honey Money Fundraisers is to have a model that is an educational opportunity; one that is fun, easy and interactive. The Paradis believes that their fundraising model can be beneficial for communities long term all across Canada. They are proud to say that the Honey Money Fundraisers are a healthy, sustainable option for raising funds. It is very exciting to hear of the organizations that are now choosing to sell Paradis Valley raw honey and bee pollen as their fundraiser of choice. We are inspired and thrilled to have been a part of the development of their extremely comprehensive Fundraising Tool Kit Media Kit.

When Ginette brought her idea of the fundraiser to us we knew a Honey Money Fundraiser tool kit was just what was needed. The goal was to use “the tool kit as a way to make fundraising UBER simple! Volunteers and fundraising participants now have a streamlined way to reach their sales goals simply and efficiently.” As a mother of two herself, Ginette knew firsthand the pain points associated with fundraising and wanted to erase them so people could save their time and energy.

The Honey Money Fundraising Tool kit is pretty damn impressive, if we do say so ourselves.  We wanted to ensure that the passion that the Paradis Family has for their Honey Money fundraising efforts was easily communicated for anyone who signs up to raise some funds!

“The list of success tools now included in our fundraiser packages is long! Email templates, social media content, posters, postcards, door knockers, FAQ, and order form – with both online & paper options the fundraising toolbox makes fundraising a breeze for everyone.”

Ginette shared with us what the feedback has been so far on the Honey Money Fundraiser tool kit, ”Beautiful! So Simple! Extremely effective!” were just a few of the comments, and we’re so happy to have had a hand in the creation and execution of such an amazing give-back opportunity.

Oh, and in case you weren’t aware…“people are especially loving the food bank support option we’ve also added” was another tidbit of feedback that was given!

How awesome is it that so many people involved with the Honey Money Fundraiser WIN when involved?

We asked Ginette about her experience with The Art of Business, and we love what she said…”The Art of Business has taken the explosive ideas out of mind and brought them to life!” Bringing ideas to life is one of our favourite parts of the business, the more “explosive” the idea the more excited we are to make it happen!

Paradis Valley Honey has also created an amazing Well-BEEing line of products. This line is yet another sustainable,quality product that you can now get your hands on, and we can hardly wait to try them all.  We know they’re going to be amazing because their honey and pollen products have been some of the best we’ve ever tried. 

The Well-BEEing line came about simply. Ginette loves things that smell amazing and make her feel good. So she thought “why not create them with our provisions from the hive. Nice and natural!”

Ginette wanted labels that were cohesive with the Paradis Valley Honey brand that had that  handmade feel. The Art of Business used this for design inspiration and created labels for the soaps, deodorant, body wash, lip balm, lotion! “Adding products to a line can sometimes feel overwhelming and The Art of B made the brand crossover simple and effective.” said Ginette, and that is exactly what we strive to do for every one of our clients.

So there you have it, Paradis Valley Honey


Amanda is passionate about growth, big-picture ideas, and putting together strategic marketing plans for businesses that want to scale.

Amanda’s philosophy is to love what you do, to never say no to new opportunities without hearing them first, and to treat others as she would like to be treated.

She is forward-thinking and intuitive when it comes to what a business needs to level up its marketing game. Amanda is a single mother to a spunky boy, she is obsessed with plants (210+ houseplants), and loves relaxing at home after a fulfilling day of work.