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Client Feature: Meraki Movement Home of Alonzo the Alpaca!

Written By The Art of Business Content Team

Imagine you flew to another continent and found a treasure trove of FABULOUS alpaca products: blankets, scarves, ponchos, and more! 

Would you just buy 3 of your favourite things and call it a day?

Or…would you find a way to turn it into an AMAZING business that supports Ecuadorian artisans while also offering top-notch alpaca items to North Americans?

That’s exactly what the founder of Meraki Movement did! 

After discovering soft, luxurious alpaca products on a trip to Ecuador, he embarked on a journey to turn it into a business! 

From day one, The Art of Business has assisted Meraki Movement, from helping the business develop its fun, quirky branding to creating look books, product tags, and more!

Take a look at some of our fabulous Meraki Movement marketing projects below!

Website and Online Store

The Meraki Movement website gives visitors a clear understanding of what the business is all about: ethically sourced, high-quality alpaca products, handcrafted by artisans.

Online shopping is all the rage and Meraki Movement hopped right on that bandwagon from the start! When creating Meraki Movement’s eCommerce website, the store was contemplated and included.

Working with fabulous photographers was a key element to making the Meraki Movement website. In fact, the whole website is alpacka’d with STUNNING images that highlight the alpaca products. We’re thrilled to work with many talented photographers including Darien Gehrke, Shannon Smith, Michelle Gier, Lisa MacDougall, Laura Taylor, Laura Manson, Kat Harvey, Cally Harvey, April Grace, and Alyssa Truong. Their talent perfectly shows off the gorgeous, colourful products Meraki Movement has to offer. 

All of Meraki Movement’s branding is also tied into whimsical, adorable alpaca figures which appear at various points around the website.

Social Media

The Art of B handles all of Meraki Movement’s social media marketing, from creating and scheduling posts to engage with the audience. With the help of The Art of B, social media posts boost interest in products, visits to the website, and email sign-ups.  

Check out their Facebook and Instagram, show some support and give them a follow!

Email Campaigns…Introducing Mail from Alonzo!

“Hola compañeros, I’m Alonzo. But you can call me Al. Al Paca! I’m the latest author of Meraki Movement’s email campaigns. When I’m not out eating nachos with the muchachos, you can find me tapping at the computer. It’s not always easy typing with just two toes. But, I make do. It’s worth it to keep us selling as many blankets as we can…because….to be honest, I worry about you up there in the snow with no warm wool. I never understood why humans don’t grow some good wool for themselves. You should really work on that. Well, my macho buddies are calling me. Altalka to you later!”

As you can see, we brought fun and humour to Meraki Movement’s email campaigns, driving open rates and click rates!

Product Tags, Posters, and More!

The Art of B is also in charge of all of Meraki Movement’s print marketing needs. When Meraki Movement participates in markets, they use posters and signs to advertise the business. Plus, every Meraki purchased product features a small card that explains product care and a little bit about the business. Of course, all of these print materials feature adorable alpacas!


Meraki Movement has recently opened its business to wholesalers! In preparation, we created a beautiful Lookbook showing off Meraki Movement’s ethically sourced, artisanal products! We think it turned out beautifully! 

Would you love to CRUSH your marketing goals like Meraki Movement has? The Art of B is here to help!

Connect with us to learn how we can help you turn your audience into loyal customers! We can’t wait to meet you!