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Everything You Need To Know About Video Marketing

Guest Post Written By Andre Oentoro

In the midst of increasingly fierce business competition, choosing the right marketing strategy can be tricky. If you are a business owner, you may realize that you need some effective, innovative, and creative strategies in order to survive from this harsh competition. 

Marketing strategy itself has developed a lot in the past few years. Among many marketing strategies, video marketing has been marked as a “trend” that companies mostly use. If you are still looking for an effective strategy, you can use video marketing as your strategy.

What is Video Marketing?

Video marketing is a part of marketing strategies where you produce, edit, and distribute videos to demonstrate your products, services, or features. It’s highly effective that most internet users choose to watch video content instead of reading online articles. Research by Cisco found that by 2022, online videos will make up more than 82% of all consumer internet traffic—15 times higher than it was in 2017. 

Also, Hubspot has found that  81% of businesses use video as a marketing tool—up from 63% over the last year. This pretty much sums up that most companies favor a video marketing strategy over other types of content marketing in the past few years. 

With this in mind, you should consider using a video marketing strategy to promote your business. Videos offer a quick explanation that other content formats don’t, suggesting that watching video content is more enjoyable for the audience. 

So, when you nail your video marketing campaigns, generating leads and converting customers will be easier. 


4 Popular Types of Video Marketing Strategy You Should Know

There are many types of marketing videos you can make. But, in this article, we will explain some that companies mostly use. Understanding this list will help you choose the right video content for your business.


1. Explainer Videos

Many companies have used explainer videos in the past few years. A study also suggests that explainer videos are among the most used video content, making up about 47% of total marketing videos. Other content, including presentations (65%) and ads (57%), is also common to use in a marketing campaign.  

This type of video content is very suitable if you want to explain your products, services, or company’s features in a quick, simple, and easy to understand way for your customer. Most companies use explainer videos to introduce foreign terms on their product that people will find hard to understand. Industries like fintech, cryptocurrency, and Artificial Intelligence need explainer videos to deliver information effectively. If your business is one of those, consider using explainer videos for your marketing strategies.

Explainer videos are also helpful for your customers. They can understand information about your business in a short time. This strategy will make your customers think that you respect their time that they choose to stay at your company for a longer time. 


2. Product Demo Videos

When launching new products, incorporating product demo videos is great to introduce them in a proper way. With product demo videos, you can demonstrate your products—what they are, how they work, or how to use them, and whatever your customers need to know about them. 

However, that doesn’t mean you can go overboard when making product demo videos. You only need to highlight the best features of your products that attract people to consider making a purchase.

Duration is also essential when creating this type of video content. Wistia has found that videos under two minutes long get the most engagement. So, you need to make sure that you make it as short as possible but still effective and impactful for your customers. 

Product demo videos are an effective tool to grab customers’ attention. According to research by HubSpot, 72% of customers would rather learn about a product or service through video. 


3. Customer Testimonial Videos

Sometimes, customers still feel hesitant to buy your new products. Maybe that happens because they don’t know anything about the products like what their features are, how to use them, and others. To prevent that, there is a way you can convince them, and customer testimonial videos are the best solution.

Customer testimonial videos allow you to feature previous customers to share their positive reviews about your products. Honest opinions from them will convince your potential customers to try the products. The positive reviews from preview customers can also convince them that your products can make their life better.


4. Product Tutorial Videos

One of the reasons customers won’t buy your new products is because they have no idea how to use them. In your product tutorial video, you can help them by explaining how to use your products in the proper way. At the same time, you can also show and explain some of your products’ tools or features to boost their interest in buying them.

Besides, this type of video content is very helpful to build trust and engage with your potential customers. The trust you get from customers will influence your sales and make your company move forward gradually. 


Every Essential Video Marketing Tool 

Tools are a crucial part of the video-making process. The tools you use will affect the video’s quality and also influence the result after distributing it. You need to make sure that you use the best tools. 

Here are some tools you can use for every part of the video-making process.

1. Scriptwriting

Scriptwriting is a crucial process before you start filming the video. A good script with engaging storytelling will leave a good impression on the customers. You can use some tools to help your script writing stages, such as Celtx, WriterDuet, StudioBinder, or Final Draft 10.

2. Video editing

You can use tools like Final Cut Pro, iMovie, or Adobe Premiere Pro to help you make a stunning video. You can also add some effects to make your video more attractive. The more attractive your video, the easier you can hook your customers’ attention.

3. Sound recording

Sound recording is also a crucial part of the video-making process that you can’t forget. The sound in the video influences customers’ feelings which can also affect their actions right after watching your video. Use these tools such as Audacity, WavePad, or RecordPad to get more professional results.

After all, the video-making process, it’s time for you to share it. There are many platform options you can choose from. Youtube can be your best option to share your videos since it has over 2 billion active users worldwide. You can also share it with other video hosting platforms such as Vimeo, Wistia, or Vidyard.



Video marketing is an effective strategy for your business. However, make sure to pay attention to details on the video-making process. This means that you shouldn’t forget to add captions, choose the right platforms, and more. So, you can optimize your video marketing strategy in order to get the best result.

Now, after you understand everything about video marketing, it’s time for you to make some plans and start producing it. Good Luck!