10 Steps To Help You Be Effective With Your Copywriting

Guest Post Written By Amy Cunningham

Copywriting is an activity that is sharpened by learning the basics. You can use this skill to increase revenue and enhance your brand and influence online. Copywriting is also a tool that you use to inform and entertain with the ultimate goal, of course, to sell products and services.

You don’t need to format the writing in boldface print or use heavy-handed words and phrases. You just need to know the secret 10 steps that will make your writing glitter. 

The idea behind learning effective copywriting is to encourage your reader to keep reading – to feel excited about how a product or service can benefit them.


1. Explain the Benefits

This first step in copywriting represents the cornerstone of your ad and marketing efforts. To attract organic traffic, you need to impart the purpose for using a product or service. By using this approach, you are showing why an item or service is helpful to the user.

Use the step to articulate why a product is superior to similar goods in the marketplace. Therefore, the foundation of producing well-written copy is to show the main advantages of a product or service. The reader should be able to relate to the benefits and feel excited about using them.


2. Show Why Your Product Stands Out Next to the Competition

To produce engaging and energetic copy, you need to tell your customer why your product stands out. What are your rival’s drawbacks? Answer specific questions to tell your market why your offerings are better.

To begin your investigation, find out what products and services your competitor features. Look at the aspects of their line you believe are better, Doing so will help you maintain the proper perspective. 

Be honest, Effective copywriting includes both the advantages and drawbacks of the products and services of each competitor. You just need to show why the products and services you offer are one step above everyone else’s. Writing a copy that sells means backing up what you are promoting.


3. Step in the Shoes of Your Readers

Naturally, not everyone will relate to what you have to say. For each piece you write, you will target specific people. For example, it would be silly to direct a landing page for weight control to exercise enthusiasts or people who already are fit and trim. 

You have to step inside the shoes of your niche audience even though you may not exactly relate to their needs. If you want to provide the most impact, you need to answer your reader’s concerns.

Keep the Following in Mind

Let’s expand on this concept. To effectively step inside your reader’s shoes, you need to keep the following in mind:

  • The 80/20 Rule – Around 80% of sales are made by 20% of customers. Therefore, you need to write copy for those people who fall under that 20% category. 

  • To profile your demographic, you only need to obtain some fundamental information. Find out what interests your readers the most. Are you reaching more men or women? What are their age and occupation? 

By analyzing your readers in this way, you can step and fit into their shoes with ease.


4. Answer the Question for Your Readers: How Will This Really Benefit Me?

Creating an advertising or marketing piece may be done for a number of different purposes. Before you begin writing your promotional piece’s content, you need to know what you want to accomplish with it. 

What are you hoping to gain?  Depending on your marketing objectives, each promotional text will be different. Therefore, copywriting may involve providing a special offer or raising awareness about a brand and its mission. Maybe you are writing the content to simply generate leads.

Give your reader the reason why your products or services will simplify their life, make them feel healthier,  or help them save money or time. The capacity of your product or service to meet the demands of your clients supports what you want to say.

Therefore, to get your message across, you have to answer the customer’s main concern, “How will I benefit from this product or service? 

You don’t want to waste your time writing copy that does not answer this key inquiry. While a snazzy headline and visuals may pull in customers for a larger company, most businesses want content that gives the reader a clear answer to a product’s or service’s advantages and distinguishing traits.


5. Write Conversationally, or in Second Person: Make It More Personal

When writing copy, you need to be aware of how you are addressing readers. Therefore, you need to focus your content so you write in the second person, using second-person pronouns, such as you and your.  Writing content completely in the first-person (I and me) or third-person (we, us, and ours) does not send the message directly to your customer. 

If you want customers to keep reading then, you must focus on writing that is intended for them, not for yourself. Therefore, you need to write in the second person most of the time. For example, it is better to say: 

  • “Drive your new SUV as early as tomorrow by contacting us today”  rather than writing

  • “Our sales department can put you into a vehicle in 24 hours.” 

While the first example is meant to motivate the customer to act, the second sample highlights the business. Therefore, making the ad more personal strengthens the impact.

Your readers can link the ideas in your content to their own situation more quickly if you write in the second person. This is how the ad connects to the life of your buyers. Therefore, the client can relate to your ad and product more if you write your text by keeping them in mind.


6. Know Your Medium

When crafting your material, keep in mind that the tone and style required for the media in which an ad will appear may vary. The target demographic for your text will differ, depending on where the ad copy is shown. 

Is your content going in a women’s publication or will it be featured on a landing page? The best way to convince your audience to take action is to use the proper text in the media where it is conveyed.

Copy may be used to market products or services in a variety of ways, so keep that in mind. Make the most of every opportunity to relate to the customer.


7. Don’t Add Too Much Detail

To maintain your customer’s interest, you don’t want to provide too much detail. Writing copy effectively means telling a customer what they need to know so they can buy a product or service, or contact the company for more information.

Extra details only serve to confuse readers, which steers them away from the most important points you’re trying to make. Unless you are promoting a prescription drug or a complex and technical product, always keep your content simple and easy to read.


8. Always Include a Call to Action (CTA)

You are losing the goal of writing copy effectively if you forget to add the call to action or the CTA. After all, you want the reader to respond to what you write. Therefore, you need to add a strong CTA – one that creates a sense that the reader needs to respond today. 

The call to action should direct the customer to call the seller, visit a website or store, or click on a link to buy what they need.

Effective copywriting relies heavily on the addition of a call to action. You must make it as simple as possible for your target audience to act. By generating persuasive text, you’ve already convinced readers to buy and use your product. Your next objective then is to get them to make the purchase.

Write in the Active Voice

To ensure a sale is made, your sentences should be written in the active voice or convey action. That means the subject of your sentence performs an activity. Let’s look at the difference:

  • Active voice: Click on this link now to receive your subscription

  • Passive voice: By clicking on this link, you will receive your subscription

Convey a Sense of Urgency

Make sure you communicate a sense of urgency or create an awareness of what you are selling. Obviously, the idea is to get the reader to act now, not later. Words or phrases that impart this meaning will get them to respond accordingly. 

For instance, you might say the following:

  • Receive this special order today while it still is available!

  • Don’t wait@ This product is only available for a limited time. Call now to receive your first shipment.

  • Time is of the essence! This Sale ends on January 31, 2022. Act now so you don’t miss out on these savings!


9. Back Up Your Claims

It is your ethical duty to write honest copy – content that states what a product and service can do for the buyer in a clear and truthful manner. Any type of deception can lead to legal problems and disputes. 

Therefore, it is important not to exaggerate or use misleading words or phrases. You should never add claims to copy that you cannot endorse or prove.

For example, think carefully when adding superlatives, such as the following:

  • Best, lowest, or quickest

  • Totally risk-free

  • Absolutely free

  • Guaranteed

  • No purchase needed

  • No cost or obligation to you

  • 100% 

  • Promise

Words, such as totally, absolutely, entirely, or unconditionally, can be misconstrued, so make sure they are used in the right context.


10. Proofread Your Work

Proofread your work, as grammatical or spelling errors quickly destroy a reader’s trust in a product or service. When mistakes emerge in copy, it tells the reader that the business is not conscientious enough or caring. Any lack of attention to detail makes people lose confidence in a service or product.


Final Thoughts

The above tips can help you write copy that resonates well with readers and leads to further writing work. Copywriting is not just about writing copy but about getting to know your audience.