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Case Study: Phair Business Solutions

44% of small business owners state that cash flow is their biggest accounting challenge, says Small Business Report.

Cheryl Phair, the founder of Phair Business Solutions, prides herself on her expertise and the unrelenting devotion she shows to her clients. She is out to make your money move — into your pockets!


About Phair Business Solutions

Cheryl and her team stand on eight years of dedication predominantly toward interior design firms and small to medium-sized businesses who want to scale their business efficiently and effectively.

Aside from bookkeeping, the team provides online business management, financial consultation and virtual controlling. 

Let’s face it; outsourcing is the way to go. It’s not just because it saves you time and money (because time IS money) but also because you should be free to do what you actually enjoy doing for your business.

In Forbes’ list of 16 areas that solopreneurs should outsource, they listed accounting as number five —  areas with the lowest personal return on investment. Want more time and financial freedom? Consider talking to Cheryl.

Before establishing her business, Cheryl had already racked up 20 years of experience in the accounting arena. But don’t let her history fool you; Cheryl keeps up with all the latest tech and is a huge advocate for automation.

She needs to save time too for brand-spanking new developments coming her way! 


Evolving into Phair Business Solutions

In 2021, Phair Business Solutions underwent a major overhaul. 

It all began with a new name. “How does Phair Business Solutions sound?”

That’s the question we imagine Cheryl asked her team as they made the huge decision to change their business name from Phair Books Inc. to Phair Business Solutions.

The new name encompasses the umbrella of services that this passionate team has added to their arsenal over the years.

It also embraces their widening target market. Engineers are often particular and methodical, much like the Phair Business Solutions team! Go figure!

And then there are the intellectual architects. With all the brainpower needed for their complex planning and design, why not remove numbers from the mix? Now that’s a load off! (And let team Phair takeover!).

Cheryl knows that each client her team works with is being challenged financially. Money is like that, sometimes. But it doesn’t have to be. 

The plan? Intricately understand her client’s values and goals. Then, partner up virtually to make it happen. This tactical relationship is always intended for the long term.

While money magic doesn’t happen overnight, Cheryl’s wand can sure make it seem that way!


The Role of The Art of Business in Phair Business Solutions’ Evolution

 The Art of Business collaborated with Phair Business Solutions recently and helped turn things upside down — in a good way. Our brand development services were key to that.

An article from Entrepreneur describes rebranding as the “lifeblood of business growth.” With a new name, Cheryl wanted a new, more clearly defined identity and personality to go with her business.

As her brand development consultant, we took her brand to the next level. Ed, our Evoker of Dreams and art director, was a key player in this part of the evolution. Here’s where he stepped in:


1. Logo Change

The current logo symbolizes growth. It’s awesome. But more was needed to encapsulate the redirection of the company fully. You know, give it that extra woof and bring together the new services being offered (excuse our ode to Charlie, Cheryl’s beloved fur baby).

The new logo will salute the “umbrella” of services we highlighted earlier and pay tribute to the team’s dedication to numbers in a pie chart format. Let’s face it — numbers never lie!


2. Typography

Words matter, and so does their appearance. We came up with just the right look and feel when it comes to branding content for Phair Business Solutions.


3. Stationery

The Art of Business team is the go-to for digital marketing services in Calgary and beyond, and we provide our services while working remotely! Like our team, Phair Business Solutions doesn’t have an office, but there’s still a lot of paper moving around (not too much, we keep it green over here!)

Cheryl, being the rock star she is, knows just how to keep things balanced – much like her clientele of architects.

With the rebranding covered, we began working on their content strategy. We happily jumped in with both feet as Phair Business Solutions’ full-time strategic marketing partner to take their business to the next level.