Client Feature: Cure Soaps

Written By The Art of Business – Amanda

Cure Soaps is passionate about the all-natural products they create and make using simple and REAL ingredients. As active yoga instructors, for Kerianne and Katie, it was extremely important for them to find both a natural and gentle way to cleanse as well as hydrate skin.  But it was just as important to create products that are environmentally thoughtful – so they are always mindful of the environmental footprint they leave. In fact, that’s one of the main reasons they got started “I really just wanted to create products that were clean, beautiful for the skin, and thoughtful for our environment,” Kerianne says

Live Simply, Choose Kindness, Be radiant.

These words are ones that Kerianne & Katie stand behind with their business. Hand Made on Vancouver Island, all of their products have ZERO preservatives, synthetic fragrances and colours. 

Did you know??

Most manufactured soap contains synthetic ingredients because they are more affordable to fabricate? Sadly, though, these synthetic ingredients are detrimental to our immune, reproductive, and respiratory system, while also damaging to our skin. 

Here at The Art of Business, we’ve been thrilled to help Cure Soaps get even more in touch with the great community they’ve already established in their following of loyal customers and a team of outstanding local retailers. We have been helping in the background with consulting on social media best practices, email marketing effectiveness and also did a website analysis and refresh.

Speaking about her experience working with The Art of Business, Kerianne said “…The Art of B was able to look at our website and tackle it without question. As a small business owner who wears all of the hats, it’s a game-changer! Not only do I not have the time, I don’t have the expertise. I knew from the minute Amanda (Head Honcho at Art of B) and I talked that she had my back.”

We are in love with everything Cure Soaps is about and had a lot of fun with the website structure and functionality. We think the final product looks clean, modern, and gorgeous! It sure makes us want to shop there right now! In fact, our team is so psyched about Cure Soaps that a few of us have gone ahead and picked out a few of our favourite Cure Soap products to share with you!


We love Cure Soaps products, we hope this makes it easier for you to pick out a product(s) because we know it’s hard when all the products are so amazing!

Amanda – The Head Honcho

I LOOOOOVE the Recovery Serum! It leaves my face feeling soooo soft and healthy!

Edward – Evoker of Dreams

I would go with “The Necessities Box”  and the eucalyptus, rosemary, mint salt bath. I chose the box because it covers the most, and the eucalyptus bath salts because it is good for athletes’ recovery.

Tiara – Conversation Architect

I’d pick the Vitamin facial serum. I currently use a vitamin c product that’s similar but this one has vitamin A, E and ALL the others, so it sounds like it would make your skin feel amazing. Plus, the customer reviews are insanely good (and I’m a sucker for buying a 5-star product lol)

Karla- Project Whisperer

I have two top picks!

The Liquid Hand Soap – because it smells delightful and you don’t need very much of it.
The Bath Salt Soak in the scent: Eucalyptus, Rosemary, Mint – Love this product, not to use in the bath but to soak my feet after a long day spent baking or cooking in my kitchen (meal prep, holiday baking, freezer meal days).

Alice – Money Maestro

The Bergamot Poppy Seed Soap – Mostly because I love the smell of Bergamot! It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. 

Jalene – Vibe Manager

Cocoa Mint Body Butter – I used this at Amanda’s once lol. It smelled really good and it made my hands really moisturized and soft.

Megan Madsen – Design Slayer

My pick would be the honey citrus body butter. My skin gets really dry, especially in these Alberta winters and I bet that would be just the thing to make my skin feel hydrated.

Amanda is passionate about growth, big-picture ideas, and putting together strategic marketing plans for businesses that want to scale.

Amanda’s philosophy is to love what you do, to never say no to new opportunities without hearing them first, and to treat others as she would like to be treated.

She is forward-thinking and intuitive when it comes to what a business needs to level up its marketing game. Amanda is a single mother to a spunky boy, she is obsessed with plants (210+ houseplants), and loves relaxing at home after a fulfilling day of work.