Social Media Marketing Today

Written By The Art of Business Content Team

We can all agree that social media is a great part of our lives, and the various platforms have revolutionized how corporations and businesses reach and interact with their audiences. Having a strong brand presence and consistent audience engagement on social media will (should!) help to generate leads and ultimately convert those leads into sales. Social media marketing isn’t a popularity contest, it really doesn’t matter how many followers you have – what really matters is the content you post and the engagement you receive from it. 

The Art of Business believes in quality over quantity, and that our clients are going to come from the calls to action within our social media accounts – driving them to our website and turning them into leads from there. For us, our workhorse is our website, and email marketing campaigns… our social media efforts are a means to get people off of those platforms and over to something we have complete control of – remember when Facebook, Instagram and What’s App were down??? Things like this are exactly why we do not want to depend on social media for our marketing – we use it as a tool to move people along in our sales process, it is a small stop along the way to a discovery call with us.

Today, if you don’t have any social accounts for your business, you’re not doing it right. 90% of social media users have already connected with a brand or business through their chosen platform (Source: Smartinsights) – that’s huge! That’s where we can come in to help as a full-stack Calgary marketing agency. The Art of Business is the best digital marketing agency in Calgary, a modern partner for progressive brands that want to be noticed within their respective markets. 


Facebook Should Not Be Neglected


As one of the largest and longest-running social media platforms, Facebook should not be neglected. Your ideal customers are likely there, you’ve just got to reach them.

  • According to Wearesocial, there are 2.5 billion active monthly Facebook users.

  • Of those active users, 74% of them log into Facebook daily (Source: Pew Research Center) and spend an average of 38 minutes per day on the platform.

  • Facebook Stories attract 500 million daily viewers. (Source: TechCrunch)

  • 1.4 billion people are involved in Groups every month. (Source: Facebook Insights)

  • 60% of Americans watch videos on Facebook. (Source: Statusbrew)

  • 15% of Facebook users shop on the platform – a number that will only grow. (Source: eMarketer)

  • Facebook users click on an average of 11 ads each month, with women clicking on more ads (14 per month) than men (10 per month). (Source: Hootsuite)

  • 90 million small businesses use Facebook Pages, Groups, and Messenger. (Source: Statusbrew)


With our headquarters located in Calgary, Canada, and a remote team of marketing experts from around the globe, we don’t see ourselves as one-off service providers, we become an extension of your team helping clients with every aspect of their marketing allowing for owners to get back to doing the aspects of their business that they are most passionate about, most of the time it does not involve posting on social media – we get it, we are good at it, and we love doing it – let us take social media marketing off your hands.

Here at The Art of B, we have found that social media marketing needs to be interwoven with the many other marketing efforts, as we have mentioned before – it is not social media that is going to get you more business – it is a stepping stone to bigger and better things! 

HOT TIP: Link the call to actions on your social media posts to your website, email campaigns, landing pages, or freebies – use your social media platform to redirect consumers to a place that you have control over (not having to worry about the ever-changing algorithms), at the same time, you can expand your reach further building on the know, like, trust factor with regular posting.

Juicy results come with consistency. Just having a social media account won’t cut it. The brightest brands out there continue to engage with their consumers, understand trends, and post interesting and valuable content.

To give you a better understanding of what we are able to do for our clients, we’d like to share one of our most recent reviews we have received on Clutch. A client of ours raved about our work with them, helping with social media marketing for their company. Check out our reviews and see what some of our other clients have had to say.


The Art of Business Client Insights

Clutch is an independent market research platform based in Washington DC. A platform of in-depth client reviews, data-driven content, and vetted market leaders. Clutch cuts through disorganized market research by collecting client feedback and analyzing industry data, arming businesses with the insights and analysis they need to connect and tackle challenges with confidence.

Clutch is known for its collection of client reviews, market reports, and marketing agency rankings. Clients from all over the world go onto Clutch’s platform to provide insights about their projects.

Alison Laycraft, the owner of Decor Diva, an interior design firm, wrote a great review for The Art of Business taking readers deeper into the behind-the-scenes of what it is like working with The Art of Business. In 2017, The Art of B helped this client expand their social media reach on Facebook and Instagram, we worked with Alison and created strategies to achieve sustainable engagement and a cohesive social media presence.

During the project, our team of social media experts meticulously researched our client’s previous efforts and audiences in order to identify the areas of opportunities to improve performance. We then took the data that we found and crafted a bespoke strategy to achieve their goals, how did we do? Read the review and see for yourself!

The wonderful rating for this project reflects how crucial it is to take a moment to see the bigger picture. We’re grateful for the opportunity to work with Decor Diva and we look forward to seeing more projects and raving reviews like this one


Consult and Analyze

If you’re having a harder time keeping up with the latest trends in social media and studying your audiences, consultation services might work best for you. On Top Design Firms’ page, The Art of Business is among the top social media consultants in Calgary and North America. If you’re not familiar with them; Top Design Firms is a new B2B site that features the leading players in the design and marketing industries around the world.

The Art of Business has been helping companies improve their brand awareness among consumers for over 5 years and continues to grow year after year. Our efforts are validated by this esteemed recognition, and through our marketing portfolio. We aspire to continue doing what we do best, serve more passionate business owners, constantly learn more about our craft and improve on our current practices.

Ready to grow your business and conquer the challenges within the social media platforms? Even if it’s not specifically a social media marketing project, but you want to grow your business and feel a little stuck, we are here to help. Send us a message and let’s see if we are a good fit for each other!